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Portnahaven, Port Wemys

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Portnahaven is a sheltered little fishing port on the extreme end of the Rhinns of Islay. The village has a picturesque harbour where seals can often be seen basking on the rocks. Access is along a single track road from Port Charlotte passing through some wild and rugged scenery.

If you look at the picture you will see the biggest boat with the red sail ‘The Daniel Richard’, which belonged to Andrew McEachern which tragically sank several years ago.

The rocks in the bay are hanging out spots for the seals, they are not camera shy at all, I count 10 on this rock alone.

Port Wemyss (or Bun Othan in Gaelic) is probably the smallest village on the Isle of Islay there are exactly 60 houses in the village. Beside the village is the very small Island of Orsay which boasts the Rhinns Lighthouse

Bon Othan is not very big, but it is very pretty. It got its name from the landlord’s daughter Wemyss. He named the village after her for a wedding present. Port Wemyss is sometimes mistaken for Portnahaven as only a bridge divides the two villages, but they are two different places. In both Port Wemyss and Portnahaven you feel as if you are looking straight at the lighthouse. No matter where you go it is like the Mona Lisa’s eyes. The lighthouse has 365 steps to the top. The lighthouse is now unmanned.

The church is the fabled “Church with Two Doors”. Although the two villages to the untrained eye are one, the parishioners of Portnahaven enter by one door and the parishioners of Port Wemyss by the other. I have no idea what would happen if some rebel challenged the tradition – perhaps someone knows the significance of this?

There are no pictures of Port Wemyss here because the rain started heavily and I had to retreat.